You might look to Botox Cosmetic when considering ways to ease the lines on your face, because it’s a treatment with limited downtime and that doesn’t require a lot of advanced prep. While Botox is less invasive than facial plastic surgery and has a shorter recovery period than other non-invasive treatments, it’s still a procedure you want to prepare for. Before you get Botox injections, there are a few small lifestyle tweaks you should consider making. Then, after Botox, you’ll want to avoid a few activities, while you’re waiting for the treatment to take effect.
Before Botox: Skip Certain Medications
A common side effect experienced after Botox Cosmetic injections is bruising in the treatment area. While you can’t completely eliminate the chance that you’ll have some bruising after these injections, you can minimize the risk considerably by avoiding certain medicines for a few days before you appointment. Pain relievers such as aspirin, naproxen sodium (Aleve), and ibuprofen (Advil) can thin your blood, making the chance of bruising worse. It is important to let your surgeon know what kind of medications you are taking, and to follow his advice if they should be stopped or not.

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It’s not just medications that you need to be careful about before a Botox session. A number of herbal and vitamin supplements can make bruising more visible after an injections. St. John’s Wort and ginseng are just two herbal supplements that are also considered blood thinners and should be avoided. When meeting with your surgeon to discuss Botox injections, let him know about any supplements you take, even if they don’t seem like they will cause any problems.
After Botox: Don’t Touch
It can be tempting to reach up and touch the area where you were injected after Botox. You’ll probably be curious and will want to see if it feels puffy or strange in any way. However, to minimize the risk of complications, you’ll want to leave the area alone and not touch. Rubbing the injection site can cause Botox to migrate to other areas of your face, leading to complications such as a droopy eye or even trouble swallowing. Avoid manipulating the area for at least 24 hours after your Botox appointment.
After Botox: Don’t Lie Down
If you’ve had a friend that has had Botox and you’ve seen her a few hours after treatment, you might have noticed that she seems to go out of her way to keep her head upright. Your injector will tell you to avoid leaning forward or lying down for several hours after your injection. Keeping your head upright will prevent the Botox from migrating to a new area, helping you avoid potential complications.
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After Botox: Wait a Bit Before Exercising
You will want to keep your heart rate steady, and avoid elevating your blood pressure for at least a day after your Botox injections. For that reason, it’s often recommended that you hold off on exercise for at least a day after treatment. While you want to stay out of the gym or yoga studio, light activity, such as taking a walk, or any other exercise that keeps your heart rate under 100 is OK. Even if you’re an avid exercise buff and haven’t missed a day at the gym for years, take a day off. There is also likely to be a bit of discomfort, bruising, and swelling in the treatment area, so give yourself those first hours to heal.
Board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Paul Vitenas, offers Botox Cosmetic injections to patients at Houston’s Mirror Mirror Beauty Boutique. To learn about the injections, or the other noninvasive treatments available, call the office at 281.810.9083.