When you first hear about Coolsculpting, you may have a lot of questions. For starters, what is it and what can it do for you? A minimally invasive treatment, Coolsculpting is a valuable option when you want to get rid of isolated fat in hard to address areas of the body. That being said, it is important to understand exactly what it can do for you – and what it cannot – so that you will have realistic expectations before going in for the treatment.
What CoolSculpting Is: A Treatment for Excess Fat
Coolsculpting is a cutting-edge way to get rid of unwanted fat from areas like your stomach, thighs, and hips. If you have got ‘love handles’, a ‘muffin top’, or a double chin, Coolsculpting can help. The treatment works by freezing your fat. When fat cells are exposed to extreme cold, they are destroyed, and your body naturally flushes them out over a period of months.
Some people see results after just a month, while others need up to four months to see any changes. You end up being slimmer, your clothes will fit better, and you can feel more confident after a CoolSculpting session.
What CoolSculpting Is Not: A Way to Lose Weight
While Coolsculpting does get rid of extra fat from certain areas, it is not a cure for obesity. Coolsculpting is better at treating stubborn areas of fat rather than massive amounts of excess fat. It is common for people to assume that any fat removing treatment is synonymous with weight loss, however unfortunate, this is not so.
In reality, Coolsculpting can be useful when performed along with weight loss, not in place of it. Say you have been working hard to lose the weight you put on during pregnancy or those sneaky pounds that have come with age. CoolSculpting should not be your choice at the beginning of your weight loss journey. Instead, after you have lost the baby weight or most of those extra pounds, but find that a bit of stubborn fat still lingering, CoolSculpting can help to reach your final goal.
What It Is: Comfortable and Quick
A big part of CoolSculpting’s appeal is that the treatment itself is very quick. Treating a single area typically takes about an hour. If the practice you go to has two devices, referred to as DualSculpting, you can treat two areas at the same, cutting the time of your treatment in half while doubling your results.
Although you might feel a bit of a sting at first, when the device begins cooling, the area soon becomes numb. Generally, you will not feel much of anything during the process. Coolsculpting is often so comfortable that patients find they are able to kick back and relax, watch a movie or TV show, read a book, or chat with friends on the phone during their treatment.
What CoolSculpting Is Not: A Way to Instantly Improve Your Health
People tend to relate a loss of fat with an improvement in overall health. It is true that fewer pounds may mean a fitter body. CoolSculpting can also spur you to make better diet and exercise choices, as you see the results appear over the following months. However, CoolSculpting cannot instantly make your health better. If you are dealing with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or other chronic condition, CoolSculpting will not improve your diagnosis.
What you might experience, though, is a new sense of pride in your body and in your health. You might not instantly become healthier, but you might make decisions that help improve your health once you have had CoolSculpting. Remember, since you can still gain weight after Coolsculpting, stick to a healthy diet and avoid sweets, alcohol, and other foods that can contribute to weight gain. You can be on the road towards a healthier new you!
If you want to learn more about Coolsculpting, what it can and cannot do, talk to the staff at Mirror Mirror Beauty Boutique in Houston. Call (281) 810-9083 to schedule your free consultation today.