A sharp jawline with a defined shape is something that we all want. Having a beautiful jawline makes you look more attractive and fit. More importantly, though, no matter what age you are, a defined jawline helps create a more youthful overall appearance.
Improving your jawline can be a struggle. Even when you diet and exercise regularly you can’t always improve the shape of your jaw with natural methods. Over time, the face starts to droop and sag, this can make your jaw look more puffy and undefined. And even if you are young and are healthy, defining your jawline might not be so simple.
Luckily, you don’t have to change the entire shape of your face to get a beautiful jawline. With the help of more modern and advanced cosmetic techniques, anyone can improve their jawline. And, more non-surgical options are available.
We’ll talk about what non-invasive procedures you can choose throughout the rest of this post so keep reading!

Top 5 Non-surgical Ways to Achieve A Beautiful Jawline:
You can easily improve the look of your jawline without major surgery. Non-surgical cosmetic techniques and procedures have advanced considerably over the past decade. We’ll discuss the top five ways you can improve your jawline without surgery in this section of our post.
1. Mini CoolSculpting
The first non-surgical technique you should consider is mini-cool sculpting. Cool sculpting is normally used on the body to reduce the appearance of fatty deposits.
It also smooths out the skin and makes people look slimmer and more youthful. But did you know that cool sculpting can also be applied to the face to improve your jawline?
A full chin that contains excess fat can make your jaw look shapeless and lumpy. If this is a concern for you, then mini-cool sculpting might be the right option for you. This non-invasive procedure uses pain-free methods to make your jaw look more defined and shaped.
Other areas near your jaw can also be spot treated with a tool known as the CoolMini. This cosmetic tool is a small applicator that helps licensed medical professionals smooth out the skin of the face. More specifically, this mini cool sculpting can get rid of noticeable bulges from fat in the chin area and jawline.
This is done through an FDA-approved technology. Mini cool sculpting and regular cool sculpting uses a type of cooling technology. The colder temperature of the applicator is able to freeze and then kill fat cells in the face and other regions of the body. This is done naturally, and cell death is triggered by the CoolMini in a pain-free way.
Not all of the results will be seen right after the application of cool sculpting. It takes some time for the fat cells to be cleared out of the chin area. But once the cool sculpting treatment is fully in effect, you will notice that your face looks smaller, your chin is firmer, and your jaw is much more well defined!
In addition to fat deposits in the face, you can also touch up other areas of the body to complete your look. Talk to your doctor if you are interested in getting this procedure done. Mini cool sculpting is highly effective, safe, and requires very little recovery time which makes it ideal for most patients.
2. Ultherapy Lift (Non-Surgical)
Surgical facelifts can be a huge hassle. Not only do they require tons of recovery time, but the cost of these invasive procedures leaves much to be desired. This is why we suggest trying an Ultherapy lift.
Ultherapy, a non-surgical facelift option, is the latest way to lift your face and perfect your jawline. Ultherapy is FDA approved and addresses issues like wrinkles, sagging skin, and fine lines. With the use of this treatment, you can smooth out your skin, tighten up the area around your jaw, and make yourself look more youthful!
Sagging skin at the jawline can be a major hindrance when it comes to improving the look of your face and jaw. With the help of the ultrasound technology used in this procedure, this will be a problem of the past.
Ultherapy uses ultrasound energy to target your jawline. Certain layers of the skin are damaged minimally to stimulate collagen growth. When this growth occurs, a new layer of collagen will form. This new layer will be firmer and tighter leading to a more beautiful jawline.
Keep in mind that this treatment will not create immediate results. In some cases, it can take up to two to three months to fully notice dramatic changes to the face. However, there is little to no recovery time and the results can last for up to two years.
4. Jaw Reduction With Botox (Non-Surgical)
As we talked about before, the area around the jaw does age over time. This can cause your jawline to become undefined and make you look older. Some people think that surgery is the way to go when you have drooping skin.
But, there is a much better method that we recommend trying out. Usually, Botox is used to get rid of wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of age. This treatment helps tighten the face and turn back the hands of time.
However, there are other possible applications for Botox that can help you contour and slim your jawline. Asian countries like Singapore have started to use Botox to reduce the appearance of the jaw and create a more defined look. And, this practice is starting to become more popular worldwide.
Still, you might wonder how Botox can make your jawline look better. Part of this has to do with changes that come with age. The older you get, the more you use the muscles in your face, this causes them to enlarge.
In particular, the masseter muscle tends to get bigger the more we use it. This enlargement causes the face to become square-like and less defined. To correct this, your doctor can inject botox into the masseter muscle.
A small needle will be used to do the procedure, and when the botox settles into your face, your jawline will get a lot slimmer and have more overall definition. Full jawline slimming won’t take effect for at least a few weeks, but you will notice results pretty quickly.
Keep in mind that Botox doesn’t last forever and will need to be reapplied every six months. Your jawline can become beautiful and slim but you need to do regular maintenance with Botox.
5. Chin Augmentation With Fillers (Non-Surgical)
You don’t have to reduce the size of your chin to get a more defined jawline. In fact, a stronger, more beautiful jawline can be created when the chin is augmented. And, you won’t need facial surgery to improve the shape of your chin either.
Chin fillers can be used to make your jaw look better and leaner. Luckily, this is a relatively painless and safe cosmetic procedure. In no time, you can have a strong chin that makes your jaw look amazing. Dermal fillers are the most popular type of fillers used in chin augmentation.
Fillers used in the face are non-toxic and are made from material that is already found in your body naturally. Usually, doctors use hyaluronic acid, also known as HA, for chin augmentation and other filler procedures.
Some numbing cream might be used to ease any pain or discomfort felt during the procedure. For the most part, though, filler treatments are relatively easy to adjust to. If you visit a board-certified plastic surgeon, they will be able to seamlessly place fillers in your chin and reshape your jawline. This way you get the look you want.
Best of all, this non-surgical technique provides almost instant results. Some people can get impatient waiting for their jaw to start becoming more defined. But this isn’t an issue with facial fillers.
Your enhanced chin will create a pleasing and natural-looking V shape which will lead to a more feminine look. For men, a defined chin is a must, but your doctor might also decide to add some volume to your cheeks to complete your look and make you look more masculine.
Minimal side effects are felt with chin filler and filler in general. You can expect some redness in your face and a bit of swelling. Most patients will be able to recover after a few days with no signs of redness or swelling present.
6. Skin Tightening With a Fraxel Laser
Finally, the last non-surgical option you can try out is Fraxel lasers. Fraxel lasers are another new development in the world of cosmetic beauty. This technology can get rid of acne scarring, wrinkles, and other skin imperfections. More importantly, it can tighten up the skin and even improve your jawline.
It is similar to ultrasound technology, as the Fraxel laser targets a layer of skin on the face and creates micro-damage to stimulate collagen growth. In addition, once the old layer of skin is destroyed, a new more youthful layer of skin will replace it.
When used on the jaw, the Fraxel laser will help to regrow collagen. This will lead to a firmer and tight jawline that defies age. Also, if you have very noticeable signs of aging around your jawlines, such as wrinkles and hyperpigmentation, then this treatment is ideal.
Fraxel lasers smooth the skin while simultaneously changing the surface of your face. The recovery time for this procedure is a little longer than for Ultherapy. But you can expect a short recovery period of five days.
Contact Mirror Mirror Beauty Boutique Today
If you are interested in reshaping your jawline with non-surgical methods, please contact our office today. The staff at Mirror Mirror Beauty Boutique would be happy to answer any of your questions and help you achieve the perfect jawline. We can be contacted at this phone number (281) 559-6773. You can also schedule a consultation online by filling out our contact form here.
Mirror Mirror Beauty Boutique is dedicated to giving you the natural look you’ve always wanted. Our team looks forward to hearing from you soon!