Many cosmetic treatments available focus on solving one problem. Coolsculpting, for example, gets rid of extra fat. Botox reduces the appearance of dynamic wrinkles. Fraxel treatment, on the other hand, can effectively treat a number of concerns. It can reduce certain signs of aging, help minimize sun damage and ease the appearance of scars. No matter what your concern is, it’s likely that Fraxel treatment can help you.
Fraxel Treatment Reduces Wrinkles
You have a lot of treatment options if you want to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Botox injections, dermal fillers and some types of plastic surgery can all help to smooth out your skin and help you look more youthful.
So can Fraxel treatment. Fraxel is a non-ablative laser treatment, which means it doesn’t destroy the top layer of your skin. It works by creating tiny “injuries” beneath the surface of the skin. As the body works to heal those injuries, it increases its production of collagen, the protein that helps the skin stay firm and supple. The more collagen your skin produces, the smoother it ends up being.
Fraxel Treatment Helps Acne Scars
Fraxel doesn’t just help reduce the signs of aging. It can also help remove or minimize scars, particularly acne scars. Although mild cases of acne usually don’t leave scars behind, cystic acne or acne that forms hard, painful nodules often leaves behind scars, usually in the form of pits or depressions on the skin.
Fraxel treatment helps minimize the appearance of and fill in scars created by acne by stimulating the production of collagen beneath the skin. The laser treatment also breaks down the scar itself so that it fades from view. If you have acne scars and are considering Fraxel to reduce them, it’s worth getting your acne under control first. Treating skin with active breakouts or skin that still frequently breaks out with a laser can make the pimples or acne worse.
Fraxel Treatment Reduces Melasma
Melasma, or dark spots that develop on your face, is often called the “mask of pregnancy” since it commonly occurs when a woman is pregnant. Women who are taking birth control or dealing with any situation that affects their hormones can also develop dark spots.
Although it’s not harmful, melasma can be embarrassing. The spots can form over the upper lip, for example, making it look as though you’ve developed a mustache. Traditionally, the recommendation for treating or avoiding melasma was to avoid sun exposure. Fraxel treatment offers a more reliable and effective option for fading the spots.
Fraxel Treatments Improve the Skin On Your Neck
Fraxel isn’t only for use on the face. The laser treatment can also be used on the neck. It’s often said that the neck is one of the first areas to show signs of aging. While many people make sure to put lotion and anti-aging products on their faces, they occasionally neglect the neck.
As a result, the neck often develops wrinkles, a crepey skin texture, and even drooping and sagging before other parts of the body. Fraxel can’t help tighten the skin of the neck, but it can help improve its texture and reduce wrinkles and fine lines.
Fraxel Treatment Reduces Sun Damage
Years of sun exposure, whether from actively tanning or just from going outdoors frequently during daylight hours, can take a toll on your skin. Sun damage can cause hyperpigmentation (or dark spots), wrinkles and uneven texture. Thanks to its ability to stimulate collagen production in your skin, Fraxel can help reverse or reduce the damage caused by the sun’s ultraviolet rays.
Who Are Good Candidates for Fraxel Treatment?
Aside from being able to treat a variety of skin concerns, one of the great things about Fraxel is that it is available to a wide variety of patients. In the past, laser treatments were typically only recommended to patients with very light complexions. People with darker skin were more likely to experience complications and side effects from the laser treatment.
But since Fraxel is non-ablative, it often works well on people of all complexions. It’s worth pointing out that your treatment provider might adjust the treatment or offer more precautions to prevent complications from developing if you have darker skin, though.
While Fraxel can help many people, it’s also worth noting that there are some people for whom it isn’t recommended. If you have active cold sores or another type of infection on your skin, your surgeon will most likely advise waiting for the cold sore or infection to clear up before proceeding with the treatment.
Fraxel can help reverse the damage caused by the sun, but you need to actively avoid sun exposure afterwards. If you’ve recently spent all day in the sun trying to tan or regularly use a tanning bed, you’re better off postponing Fraxel treatment.
Dr. Paul Vitenas and the staff at Mirror Mirror Beauty Boutique in Houston, Texas, offer Fraxel as a non-invasive treatment for a wide range of concerns. Whether you’re concerned about aging, scarring or pigmentation changes, call 281-810-9083 to learn more about Fraxel treatment and how it can help you.